Utilisation des ressources de la CMC

De Wiki Gel-Gif
Version du 3 novembre 2022 à 08:04 par Francois Duchesneau (discuter | contributions)

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Available servers

Access for everyone

cmc-node-1.gel.ulaval.ca (CensOS / Gnome graphical mode)

cmc-node-2.gel.ulaval.ca (CensOS / KDE or MATE graphical mode)

Access on demand

cmc-node-3.gel.ulaval.ca (CensOS / KDE or MATE graphical mode)

cmc-node-4.gel.ulaval.ca (CensOS / KDE or MATE graphical mode)

cmc-node-5.gel.ulaval.ca (CensOS / KDE or MATE graphical mode)

VPN connection is required

Please visit the following site to configure your VPN

   - Windows: https://www.dti.ulaval.ca/page-guide-anyconnect-windows
   - Mac: https://www.dti.ulaval.ca/page-guide-anyconnect-macos

How to use CMC resources

[Accounts required]

[CADactivation on server]

[How to setup graphical access to the server]

[How to use CMC tools]

How to use CMC resources

For any problem or help, please open a ticket by sending an email at aide@gel.ulaval.ca